Take Action to Help Innocent Animals

  • Donations do not have to be monetary. Necessary items, which are often listed online on an organization’s wish list, are always welcome and greatly appreciated.

  • Join an organization as an invaluable volunteer. By doing so, experience the “happiness effect.” Research shows that volunteering is associated with improved physical and mental health.

  • Raise money from friends and family with a crowdfunding campaign in support of a local shelter or animal rescue. Check out some fundraising ideas here.

  • Always adopt. Adoption gives rescue animals a second chance at a happy, loving life and helps weaken the pet overpopulation cycle.

  • The consumption of animal products is harmful in many ways. Animals suffer immense agonies, the environment is endangered, and human health is often jeopardized. Consider plant-based, vegan alternatives.

  • Most legal systems treat animals as property. However, animals are not things which can be used for human utility. Fight against animal exploitation by no longer purchasing animal products such as leather, fur, & feathers.

  • We can be more compassionate consumers by making sure our cosmetics, personal care, household, and pet care products are not tested on animals. Learn about the Humane Cosmetics Act and aim to purchase cruelty-free.

  • If we are to succeed in improving the lives of animals, we must be sure to raise awareness and get others involved. We must put thought into action. Share ways to help animals with family and friends to maximize animal advocacy efforts.

Each year in the U.S., it is estimated that more than 55 billion land animals are killed for food. Over 100 million more animals are tormented, confined, and eventually killed in science laboratories. Over 100 million are killed for their fur. Over 10 million are abused to death. Millions more are euthanized, tortured in the entertainment industry, and hunted for sport.


These practices continue in large part because of the lack of knowledge concerning the horror behind our food, our clothing, our accessories, and our entertainment. By becoming informed, we can work to end animal exploitation.

We Must Take Action For:

Adopt. Don’t Shop.

Adoption is just one way in which we can make more compassionate choices and work to reject animal cruelty and exploitation. Very often, dogs bought from a pet store, online seller, or flea market come from puppy mills, which are factory-style breeding facilities that put profit above the welfare of dogs. 
Visit your local shelters and rescues to adopt your next pet. If you insist on purchasing from a breeder, please do some research to ensure you are not supporting the cruel puppy mill industry. 

Animal Organizations that Need Your Help

Organizations like the ones listed, in addition to your local animal shelters and rescue organizations, can always use your help. Consider donating, volunteering, and/or just spreading the word about animal advocacy.

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    HSUS works to end all forms of animal cruelty and achieve the vision behind its name: a humane society.

    Check out the HSUS’s 2020 achievements.

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    The ASPCA was the first humane society to be established in North America and is, today, one of the largest in the world.

    Check out ASPCA’s 2019 Highlights

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    The Humane League exists to end the abuse of animals raised for food. Over the years, they’ve taken on the world’s largest food companies - and won.

    Check out the Humane League’s Q3 2021 report.

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    The NhRP works to secure fundamental rights for nonhuman animals through litigation, legislation, and education.

    Learn about their grassroots advocacy campaigns here.

  • Farm Sanctuary fights the disastrous effects of animal agriculture on animals, the environment, social justice, and public health through rescue, education, and advocacy.


Ways to Reduce Animal Product Consumption

The use of animals for food, clothing, entertainment, testing - and any other reason- is exploitative. We can work to reject animal exploitation by reducing the consumptions of meat, eggs, and dairy, in addition to the use of skin, fur, and feathers for clothing and accessories,

  • For an instructional guide which explains how to go vegan with minimal effort, in a lasting and healthy way, visit Vegan.com.

    For more help on how to navigate the switch to veganism, visit goveganworld.com.

  • We can ditch the use of animal skin, fur, and feathers and consider cruelty-free alternatives.

    • Check out cocokind’s guide to choosing cruelty-free beauty products here.

    • Check out animal leather alternatives here.

    • Check out fur alternatives here.

  • To have what is referred to as a “cruelty free closet,” we must ditch the use of animal skin, fur, and feathers for our own purposes. With so many animal product alternatives, we have more options than ever and can make more compassionate choices not only in what we eat but also in what we wear. We can collectively work to eradicate animal cruelty in the fashion industry.


Find Volunteer Opportunities Near You

We can all turn our good intentions into action. By volunteering, we can help organizations reach their goals while simultaneously enriching our own lives and the world around us. After all, as Oscar Wilde said, “The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention.”

  • Reach out to your local animal rescue organizations, shelters, and sanctuaries to offer your help. These places are almost always in need of extra hands.

  • Use VolunteerMatch to find opportunities that match your volunteer interests, from location to type of work.

  • Use Idealist to find volunteer opportunities in your local area or internationally.

  • Join the Humane Society of the United States and help amplify their efforts to create a more humane society. HSUS offers more than 60 unique volunteer opportunities, some of which can be done from home! Find an opportunity near you here.


    As an ASPCA Regional Advocacy Field Team (RAFT) member, you can take action in your community by supporting the passage of effective animal protection laws. Doing so takes no prior experience and can be done in your own community. Learn more here.


Other Resources

There are many ways in which we can be more compassionate people and make more conscious choices. We can all be advocates for animal protection in ways both big and small.

    • Check out this article on how to identify puppy mill sellers from responsible breeders.

    • Check out this article to understand what shady puppy producers might tell you—decoded.

    • Learn how to spot a puppy mill so you can be sure to avoid them.

    • Learn more about Animal Rights activism here.

    • Check out the 7 Best New Animal Rights Books To Read In 2022 here.